Tutorial of Industrial and Mathematical Statistics 2023
[This event has successfully concluded]
We are pleased to announce that we held a tutorial on industrial mathematical statistics on December 14-15, 2023. Twenty-nine participants came from a variety of backgrounds, including industry, government, research, graduate and undergraduate students. The results of the post-tutorial questionnaire conveyed the practicality of the material, the clarity of the content, the potential for application, and the overall satisfaction of the participants, which are valuable indicators for future improvements. We look forward to continuing the tutorials in the coming year and beyond, with the goal of further improving the knowledge provided and the quality of the materials.

[Summary of the event]
Kyushu University places a high priority on addressing various social issues such as “decarbonization,” “medicine and health,” and “environment and food.” There is a rapidly growing need for research grounded in the academic foundations of mathematics, data science, and AI. The Industrial Mathematics and Statistics Research Division was established at the Institute of Mathematics for Industry (IMI) in April 2022, aiming to form a cross-disciplinary mathematical infrastructure with statistics at its core. The Division of Industrial Mathematics and Statistics aims to contribute to the solution of various problems in society, industry, and various fields, while deepening the academic principles of statistics, and fostering young core statistics researchers.
In particular, tutorials are held to train the next generation of engineers who can utilize data science and statistics to solve problems in industry and society.
December 14 and 15, 2023
10:00 a.m. ~ 4:30 p.m.
744 Motooka Nishi-ku, Fukuoka, Japan
C-408 large conference room, WEST Bldg. 1, Ito Campus, Kyushu University
Number of applicants: 80
If there are too many applicants, the number will be determined by lottery.*
Free of charge
target group
People in industry and government whose work requires knowledge and skills in data science and related fields
Researchers, graduate and undergraduate students who need statistics in their research
Learning from Math Experts | Learn practical knowledge and statistical mathematics theory directly from IMI faculty. |
Catching up on the latest trends | Exposure to cutting-edge topics such as topological data analysis. |
Promoting understanding of statistical mathematics | Provides a wide range of knowledge from basic to advanced topics in statistical mathematics. |
Responding to the Data Driven Era | Cultivate the ability to use data science and statistics to address industry issues. |
Training the next generation of engineers | Cultivate next-generation engineers who can play an active role in problem solving by utilizing data and statistics. |
December 14, 10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Statistical Inference and Sampling in Finite Populations (beginner)
December 14, 2:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Speculation, Asymptotic Theory of Statistics (beginner)
December 15, 10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Regression fundamentals, high-dimensional linear regression models (medium to advanced)
December 15, 2:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Topological Data Analysis (medium)
Beginner: Some understanding of simple probability calculations, linear algebra and calculus is desirable
Medium: It is desirable to have studied estimation and testing.
Advanced: It is desirable to have a passing knowledge of mathematical statistics.
contact information
Administrative Office, Math. &IMI, Kyushu University